Open Slot With No Current Process Apache

This template uses a daemon to cache Apache mod_status values that will be then queried by a Zabbix script.Daemon will minimice monitorization resquests to the server caching results.Cache daemon should be used as a cron task per objecy server.

Apache Server Status Open Slot With No Current Process


Tons of Apache Process at W (sending reply) status (https. Open slot with no current process. I don't really know, what's causing Apache to take that too much time to send a reply. Also, once it reaches that amount of load, it throws tons of error: Code.

  • Total Accesses

  • Total kBytes

  • CPU Load

  • Requests Per Second

  • Bytes Per Second

  • Bytes Per Request

  • Number of Busy Workers

  • Number of Idle Workers

  • Number of slots: Waiting for Connection

  • Number of slots: Starting up

  • Number of slots: Reading Request

  • Number of slots: Sending Reply

  • Number of slots: Keepalive (read)

  • Number of slots: DNS Lookup

  • Number of slots: Closing connection

  • Number of slots: Logging

  • Number of slots: Gracefully finishing

  • Number of slots: Idle cleanup of worker

  • Number of slots: Open slot with no current process


######Recomend to create your how trigger to take care of 'Waiting for Connection' slot number. Match it to your 'MinSpareServer' from ' directive in httpd.conf


  • Workers Status
  • Requests stats (Requests per second and Bytes per request)
  • Accesses stats (Total accesses and Request per second)


'' is a Python script that should act a cron task to download regularly mod_status values from server indicated and store it in a cache file.

'' will be executed as a Zabbix external script. Available metrics (any other will fail):


  1. Download the scripts and move to your zabbix userscripts dir, i.e: /usr/lib/zabbix/externalscripts

  2. Run chmod +x on the files

  3. Add this to crontab: */5 * * * * /usr/bin/python /usr/lib/zabbix/externalscripts/ &> /dev/null

  4. Replace Webserver IP and Port with your configuration and set the cron task to be executed in the interval of your own. Recomended lowest interval for your Zabbix checks.

  5. Add or uncomment this to your Apache config file:

  6. Remember to change with your Zabbix server/proxy IP if you are planning to use it centralized.

  7. Restart/reload Apache or use kill -USR1 cat /var/run/httpd/ for zero downtime

  8. Load the azzbix template: Apache-Template.xml

  9. Link the Template_Apache_HTTPd into the hosts in question. Remember that IP should match to configured in cron task

  10. Ensure Zabbix user has right permission on log file

To use DNS names just modify the template to use DNS instead of {HOST.IP}.


Apache Open Slot With No Current Process

This template is distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.